Cathie Bradshaw with Guest Robert Sharpe, Author of Joy Potential

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Joy Potential: Where You’d Least Expect It
In Roberts own words “In a state of chaos, anything is possible. We have an opportunity to shake up our lives and create more happiness. Our time here is limited. Where do you put your attention? Do you create and experience – fear or joy?” We will be discussing his book as well as many other things…with more than 200 radio shows with more than 130 different guests on his radio, this loving, gentle man has so much to offer and share… please join us and hear what this wonderful & wise man has to say….
Roberts book Joy Potential: http://www.joybook.me/
Joy Potential: Where You’d Least Expect It At a crossroads in life and not knowing which direction to go, I find myself taking a temporary graveyeard shift job to help pay the bills. During the course of this one week assignment I discover the negative patterns and cycles ingrained since birth. It becomes clear how these mistaken beliefs create fear and roadblocks in my life. It’s time for a change! A new perspective is created as John the Supervisor and Leonora, Quality Control, guide me through the unknown, overcoming fear, to a place where I see new paths and opportunities. “Moving from a place of questioning one’s worth, to a place where I do something that significantly improves a stranger’s life is a massive shift.” I am led down a path where my hobby, Internet based radio, becomes a major source of Joy Potential. |