Flying With Angels,-Special Guest Mama D Angel

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Mama D Angel Darlene.
Join us today as we welcome our dear friend Mama D Angel, Darlene.
We will be giving mini intuitive Angel card readings as well as talking about Angels.
Darlene says, “My name is Darlene also known as Mama D Angel. I have been out of the spiritual closet since 2012. I have achieved my level II Reiki with Grand-Master David Crawford. I have been drawn to, and communicated with the angels since I was a young child. All of my readings are given with the assistance of the Angels and what I call my ~ Dream Team ~ my Spirit Guides. Sometimes, there will be a specific message to pass along with the card that is chosen, and other times the card, itself is the answer. We don’t always get what we want, we get what we need.
I am also a host/co-host of 2 radio shows, the objective of the shows are to highlight peoples talents and passions. And if in the process someone is helped by the knowledge that has been shared then I have achieved my goal.
I think the most important job I have though is as a Mother I have 3 beautiful and strong children (1 girl & 2 boys) they know all about me and can come to me with anything. And they often bring me home new siblings. And each is welcomed into my heart (home) with open arms.”
Darlene’s website, http://angelmeadows.intuitalks.com/
Darlene’s Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/mamad.hill
We look forward to seeing you.
Cathies Distant Echos, Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/112690372148470
Riana’s website: http://www.healing-handssanctuary.co.uk
Flying with Angels Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/684347924975453
Lucinder Drayton’s website. http://www.lucindadrayton.com/
Lucinda Drayton’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LucindaDrayton/
We look forward to seeing you.

2 thoughts on “Flying With Angels,-Special Guest Mama D Angel”
I am honored to be on this page. I had a wonderful time with you ladies and listen as often as i can in the archives.
Thank you Darlene it was our pleasure and we hope you will come back again soon.