Win a In-depth Skype Reading with Lins and Riana to celebrate Riana’s birthday. Competition extended.
Hello everyone,
What a wonderful birthday show on Flying with Angels show we had for Riana.
Thank you to all the listeners and people who called in. It’s was magical.
Win an in depth reading on Skype with Flying with Angel Hosts, Lindsey Harrison and Riana George.
Answer the three questions and message your answers to Lins or Riana, either here at Intutalks, or on facebook messages.
The closing date is Sunday 11th Feb at 12am est. I will announce the winner on Monday 12th Feb
In the event of tie names will be put in a draw and one name will be pulled out of the hat.
Question 1
What semi proffesional was Riana in before
she became a pensioner and professional
Reiki practitioner healer and Reader?
A. Vocalist
B. beauty Consultant
C. Office consultant
Question 2
What is her Blessing as spoken for all(fill in the gaps)Good Night, God Bless and S…. D…..
Question 3What does Riana like to remind folks kindly(fill in gaps)We Are ___
All part of the ____ __ ____