Flying with Angels- Surprise Birthday Party for Lins!

Todays show will strt half an hour later than normal at 11. 30 am -1.00pm est 4-30-6.oopm BST UK .
Join us today for 90 mins at Cathie’s Cafe. Bring a drink and food of your choice. Summer is here as we sit in the light of Source and Spirit. Enjoy conversations on a variety of topics about Angels, Masters and all things spiritual.
Riana and Lins offer free mini intuitive Angel Card Readings. Call in for a reading if you would like a reading or type in the chatroom a request for a reading. We look forward to seeing you.
Riana George- Healing Hands Sanctuary Facebook page.-
Cathies DistantEchos Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/112690372148470/
Flying with Angels, Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/684347924975453/