Flying with Angels-Happy Birthday Riana.

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Join your hosts, Lins and Riana as we celebrate Riana’s birthday.
With surprises and fun in store, get comfortable with a drink and a slice of cake as we blow out Riana’s birthday candles and wish her a very happy birthday.
If you would like to call in or speak to Riana on the show please do.
Who is our surprise singing guest? Plus a competition to win a reading on Skype with Lins, (Lindsey Harrison.) or Riana George.
We look forward to welcoming you into the chatroom.
Cathies Distant Echos, Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/112690372148470
Riana’s website: http://www.healing-handssanctuary.co.uk
Flying with Angels Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/684347924975453
Lucinder Drayton’s website. http://www.lucindadrayton.com/
Lucinda Drayton’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LucindaDrayton