Flying with Angels.- Happy New Year! 2018.

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Cathie Bradshaw.
Riana George and Lins Harrison.
Happy New Year! 2018.
Join Lins and Riana as they share mini intuitive angel card readings and discussion about the Angels.
Call in for a reading or a chat as we welcome in 2018. Time flies like an arrow. It is also the 7 year anniversary of Flying with Angels,
Come and join the party at this special celebration show!
Cathies Distant Echos, Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/112690372148470
Riana’s website: http://www.healing-handssanctuary.co.uk
Flying with Angels Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/684347924975453
Lucinder Drayton’s website. http://www.lucindadrayton.com/
Lucinda Drayton’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LucindaDrayton