Flying with Angels- Special Guest Nick Fox

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Join hosts Lindsey Harrison and Riana George today as we welcome the awesome Nick Fox to the show.
Nick will be sharing topical conversation and joining us as we share mini readings.
If you would like a free mini reading or wish to ask Nick a question please call in to the show or type your request in our very friendly chatroom.
Nick says,
“I love a lot of stuff. I love a lot of things. I focus on them strongly, whenever I can. I believe in others. I believe in myself. I know there is so much more to this life than meets the eye. I believe in Source and Life and Creation. I love to be creative and share that with others. I love to make and give, to inspire and uplift. I know that things can get hard and scary, but I also know that things work out, and that we are all being watched over. I love this planet. I love the animals, the air and the atmosphere. I love the wonders this planet shares with us. I am grateful for the food and abundance she brings. I am joyous to explore what this world has to offer. I appreciate the gifts others share. I know that everyone has a part. Everyone has importance. I believe that we are here because we love each other. I know that we have incredible things to come. I believe in the power of self. I know I am, and that is most important. Yet I am eternally growing, changing, and expanding. I am a soul, an energy, a source. I believe there is always more to know and discover. I am alive, aware and I am ready.”
Nicks Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/nick.fox.102361
Cathies Distant Echos, Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/112690372148470
Riana’s website: http://www.healing-handssanctuary.co.uk
Flying with Angels Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/684347924975453
Lucinder Drayton’s website. http://www.lucindadrayton.com/
Lucinda Drayton’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LucindaDrayton/