Cathies DistantEchos- Cathie Bradshaw with guest Vicky Elsing. Encore!

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Cathies DistantEchos- Cathie Bradshaw with guest Vicky Elsing. Encore!
Elsing’s 2nd Hand Shop Stoughton, Wisconsin
Aired 2009.
an excerpt in Vicky’s words: My husband Phil and I had been selling at flea markets for 17 years before opening up our shop. We bought our building in 2004 and opened Elsing’s 2nd Hand Shop. When we bought the building, we were told it was haunted. That didn’t stop us, we loved our new building. Our building was built in 1891 as the Hanson House and then became the Grand Hotel, two years after it was built.. (come here more of this exciting and haunted building )