Cathies DistantEchos- Cathie Bradshaw with guests Sal and Cindy , owners of the Shanley

[smart_track_player url=”http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/8kpa8i33mu/Cathies_DistantEchos-_Cathie_Bradshaw_with_guests_Sal_and_Cindy_owners_of_the_Shanley-Encore_.mp3″ color=”#000000″ social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_stumble=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]
Cathies DistantEchos- Cathie Bradshaw with guests Sal and Cindy , owners of the Shanley
Aired 09/29/2009.
Come and hear a strange tale of 2 antique dolls.. there is a weird twist to their story… and how appropriate for my dear friends to join me on this, our anniversary and birthday of my late husband tony.. the story is very connected to this strange event … and come hear their upcoming bookings … and other strange stories of the shanley..

One thought on “Cathies DistantEchos- Cathie Bradshaw with guests Sal and Cindy , owners of the Shanley”
Please note there is about a minutes silence after the introductory song and the start of Cathie’s show with Sal and Cindy. Cathies show starts at 5.00 minutes into the Encore show itself.
Lins x