Flying with Angel Special-Interview with Sam Jones founder of Waterside Warriors Type1, Diabetes Awareness Group.

Flying with Angel Special- An Interview with Sam Jones Founder of Waterside Warriors Type 1, Diabetes Awareness Group.
Join us today for a special interview with Sam Jones as we share awareness of Diabettis Type 1.
Sam writes, “My daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes on 12th May 2016, aged 3 years old. This was probably the worst time in my life and then living with the condition was a massive change for us as a family. I joined lots of Facebook groups for help and advice. To try to help me as a parent, deal with her condition. She suffers the physical aspects of the condition, and I the mental and emotional aspect. Anyhow…a struggle it was, and as a mum, will always be a worry for me.
I set up a Facebook group. Initially this group was in order that I could meet with other parents of Type 1 Diabetic children and also adults living with the condition within the Waterside area. I was interested and am interested to learn the impact of this condition throughout the lives of sufferers. The Facebook group turned into a support network for parents and also adults with the condition. This has led to the realisation of the very little support there is in place for adults suffering with this condition. I don’t mean medical support as such, but emotional support. The ability to speak to others who understand fully what it means to live with this condition.
It surprised me the amount of Type 1 Adults there are in this area….and the realisation that my daughter may one day need a support network in place. On meeting with members and discussing Continuous Glucose Monitors and the cost of items, I wondered if it was possible to help both the local hospitals that support Type 1 Adults and Children, and also to support adults suffering with Type 1, 2, 3…and possibly other rare types. A lot of adults cannot be funded by the NHS for monitors and sensors which will help them monitor their Blood Glucose better. This led to the decision to make efforts to help these people…and this is how Waterside Warriors – Type 1 Diabetics evolved. The hope is to give people the chance to live life to the full and with a little financial help to help them afford the equipment they need.
The Charity (currently unregistered) has a bank account and signatories. A committee is forming and fundraising has begun. Support is all we need to be on our way to helping as many Diabetics as we can.”
Sam’s Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/watersidewarriorsT1D/
Diabettis UK Organisation.- https://www.diabetes.org.uk/
Flying with Angels Facebook group.- https://www.facebook.com/groups/684347924975453/
Cathies DistantEchos Facebook Group.-